Thursday, March 20, 2008

And the fun continues...

I'm enjoying my job a lot more now that I know I'm leaving. That's encouraging - it'll mean I leave on an up note. It doesn't alter the basic calculus... I'll get bored again, badly, if I stay, and it's time for me to start seriously turning over rocks for international work.

Right after I moved into a new apartment. Oh well, them's the breaks.

It's been very gratifying, actually, to contemplate the new opportunities. I belatedly recognize that since I got back to Vancouver I've been in reactive mode, as Erin puts it. With a mediocre job outside my field, I've been a touch too stressy and well below my normally irritating level of self-confidence. And now I feel bloody fantastic... everything's on the way up.

Speaking of good times to come, I'm headed up to Hope Friday, for an apparently massive party with Jim and Tamara. Should be a blast - I haven't seen those fine folks since Christmas. I'll be back Saturday, so if y'all know of any festivities that night, I want in.


christian said...

and another weekend goes by that finds seattle still untainted by the scourge of pail....

Eva said...

Saturday is Doug and Kat's housewarming party.

Ryan said...

I'm bored of the internet. You should post more.