Behnaz, who has been communicating telepathically with my blog (again) over my explicit objections, tells me that it misses me (and despises purple). I too, despise purple, and in recognition of this commonality (and the very gradually improving electrical situation in Kathmandu) have found the opportunity (though barely the bandwidth) for some photoblogging of a portion of the 2000+ photos I've taken in the last few months. I even managed to upload 4 photos from my recent trip into the Himalayas, a feat that only required 4 hours (the uploading, not the trip). You will be sick of mountain photos by the time I'm truly done, and you'd best make your peace with that now.

These birds, whose names I do not know, chased thermals in the valley between Namche Bazaar, a key trekkers waystation en route to the Himalayan peaks, and Kongde, an astonishing 6,187 metre peak that looms over much of the lower Himalayas. Shorter by nearly 3 kilometres than Everest, Kongde Ri is nonetheless indescribably beautiful in person - the impact of seeing such a mountain for the first time is something that I, rarely at a loss for words, am still seeking to vocabulary to convey. You'll probably have to come see it for yourselves.

Hey - nice pics. I love the bright blue & red roofs - is it always so brown? or just not yet into what is probably a pretty short growing season that high?
Hopefully, Me & Sunshine will come visit and see it for ourselves.
btw - the birds are named Sammy, Hymie, Jehosephat and Juniper.
I think Jehosephat would be honoured!
The roofs (and their houses) are more colourful and sturdier than in most of Nepal - the trekking money goes a long way up here. As for the soil, the brownness seems to be the way of things. The growing season is short and fairly feeble, as the soil is bone dry and the cold prohibitive for much of the year. I'm frankly surprised anything grows at all.
Well Paul I'm ashamed to say this but after my chat with your Blog I decided that if you were neglecting him then so would I. I know two wrongs do not make a right but things got busy and hectic and let's just say, shock of all shocks, there was studying involved on my part! Jaw on the floor yet?
Either way I am thrilled that you are back at it and cannot wait to read all that I have missed. These pictures are amazing and I'm turning into the Hulk as I type this!
Hurry home for a visit soon! Afterall, my birthday is just around the corner...
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