Monday, January 19, 2009

It's been a very big week...

During which the full force of the energy crisis hit me, crippling my ability to blog. But in brief...

I published my first book, of which I am the editor and uncredited co-author: "Reporting Safe Migration and Human Trafficking: A Guide for Media Practitioners". The bloodless title was not my idea.

I was named the Best-Dressed Person working for CECI (my employer) in Nepal. That's a little like being the tallest midget at the circus, but hey, it's better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.

I've got a job interview with the Canadian Foreign Service! I'll be off to (probably) Hong Kong in (probably) early March. Joy!

I'm trying to come up with something profound and insightful to say about Obama's epic inauguration tomorrow, but so far I've been lethargic with an incredible swell of relief that the catastrophic reign of Bush is finally at its end. I'll think hard about what to say by tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the best dressed, never thought I would see the day. I should have known, once you banished the sneakers. Hong Kong sounds like your going places. Awesome!

Padraic said...

Congrats on the job! That is a big deal. Hope you can put all your NGO experience to good use.

Paul said...

Dear R - I don't know which "R" you are, since many an R might occasionally post on this blog! I'm guessing Regan, but you could also be Ryan, Rachel, Rachael, Ramona, or Richard. Help me out here!