Sunday, January 11, 2009

May I live in Nepal in interesting times...

This is a complex place.

We have 4 hours of useful electricity per day.

There are occasional street riots, though I've been unable to find them each that they've happened.

Cows graze on garbage here, rather than grass, which contradicts everything I thought I knew about ruminant gastroenterology.

And there are rumours of an imminent military coup swirling about. I don't think it would be like the one in Thailand.

For such a small, poor country, Nepal has phenomenally Byzantine politics. This blog will, for the foreseeable future, focus on decoding this insanity, until my employers or more sinister forces tell me to stop.


MusicScienceGuy said...

Just remember that you are writing each missive in this blog for three audiences:
1) The friends and random passersby that have hooked up.
2) The future. For all time.
3) The thought police, and their more dangerous (in the short term) comrades the security force of each faction. These folks are completely paranoid, are ruthless, and constantly searching for spies.

They can now see you, simply by searching google-groups for: Nepal + coup. Each posting increases your visibility and risk, exponentially.

Paul said...

Duly noted, and I appreciate the concern. The fact is that I'm posting exceedingly tame versions of things that are written daily in the newspapers. It's my responsibility to be careful, but not to avoid having an opinion. I write with an eye on what's wise to post, but things here are not so dangerous that mild political expression online is discouraged.

Anonymous said...

I echo Dear -ol Dad's Cautionry note--nothing you say, do,write is private-even phone-if you have one-and room might be bugged( mine were in Dubai-looking to confirm the narcissism of western advisors and youth)...but as the ol saying goes--: "Genius does what it must, talent does what it can, and fools can only beg-from the other two". Your security quotient might change with the new Maoists and DFAIT have eyes/ears everywhere....UNCKLA Barry

Anonymous said...

You mentioned Thailand in your last note--"not like the one in Thailand"!!!---the government defaulted on $200B of IMF/ WB loans( $100B of which went to that 700 mile raised highway spoking out from Bangkok. After years of re-financing negotiations( lot of Canadians involved), and replacement securities ordered/delivered, 100 gold pens ordered, dozens of dignataries arrived, on the night before the re-signing ceremony the head of army went to King Rama the 9th and said.."we do not agree to be in bondage to the world bank for the next 75 years"--the king simply nodded affirmitively, and the tanks moved--a soft coup as you well know-but rumblings of free elections next year are reaching us the people agreed with the military junta in Thailand----I wonder if Napalese people know these truths!