Friday, February 16, 2007

In which I'm testing the potential of the New Blogger...

They won me over with a brilliant Battlestar Galactica analogy, so now I'm exploring the much-ballyhooed conveniences of Blogger 2.0, with an eye towards better use of photos and integrating my previous travel blogs dating back to Japan in 2000. Other posting is on brief hiatus until I've done so...


MusicScienceGuy said...

So post something, anything in this updated, high-octane, super-polished blog already!

Toby said...

Are you keeping up with these BG episodes? Cuz this last one was, like, OMGWTFBBQ.

Paul said...

Sadly, I'm only current up to the season 2 finale - it's not broadcast here, and I'll likely have to wait a couple more months. Argh.