Monday, February 04, 2008

In which all partying and no sleep makes Paul a sluggish boy...

Like a civilized person, I was set to leave Grae's birthday party last night at the sane hour of 1AM, the better to recuperate from the previous night's 6AM bedtime. But after I'd done my goodbye walkabout, someone asked me, in all sincerity, "What's your opinion of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict?"

So I didn't get out of there for another 3 hours. Ye gods, I need more politics in my life. Yes, I'm a nerd. Yes, I'm comfortable with that. But running on 2 nights of nearly no sleep, after several unusually exhausting weeks, has left me a wee bit tattered. I'm wrapping up a quick blog post and then going to bed.

In other news, I offer my heartiest congratulations to Graeme and Corinne on their successful production of a parasitic zygote! Way to fertilize, you two!

And I should know about that apartment downtown within a couple of days. I've dropped off all my data, the manager says it's probably mine, and I think it would be a fine place to be. It's walking distance to everything, and a block away from both a Blenz and a liquor store, so I can be simultaneously and perpetually altered by both fermented joy and the stronger-than-crack-and-twelve-times-as-addictive Matchachillo! All the better, Brendan has agreed to take the place (including my TV, XBox, DVDs, etc., naturally) off my hands should I need to abruptly leave the country, as has been known to happen. So I don't need to worry about breaking another lease, nor about whether I've locked myself into a year of professional discontentment. So it appears welcome changes are afoot. And when I move, there will be Rock Band.

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