Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The first of many...

Bandwidth remains a fickle, miserly mistress, but I've been able to cram a few photos through the thin straw and more will follow. First up, the riot cops last Thursday:

Banda vs. Police, Kathmandu

Next, a cremation about to begin at Pushpatinath, the holiest site in Nepal for Hindu funeral rites.

Cremation at Pushpatinath

I visited the temple complex at Pushpatinath last weekend, and witnessed several such cremations underways. My tour guide reassured me that taking photos was offensive to neither the grieving nor to Vishnu.


Calliope said...

however i hear shiva and ganesha are mighty ticked off

Paul said...

Well, I trust in the mercy of Ganesh, for he is beneficent and graceful. And Shiva gets pretty cranky pretty easily, so I don't much stock in that.