Friday, March 23, 2007

In which I realize, once again, the importance of writing posts quickly...

I was supposed to write last month about North Korea's nuclear disarmament deal, namely the fact that the DPRK is absolutely guaranteed to renege on it at some point. Then I got distracted by Laos and the like. And then, today, I read this. Surprise, surprise.

The point of this is not to gloat - though I believe I've made the same point in the past. The moral of this tiny fable is, rather, that if I have a thought I should blog it now and await the results, rather than trying to convince people of my prescience after the fact.

And by the way, North Korea will never relinquish its nukes willingly. The North's leadership is in fact composed entirely of deranged old men, but even if they weren't they still wouldn't disarm. The rational reasons for having nuclear weapons are entirely too compelling, no matter how much the rest of the world offers them to disarm. Period. The US and everybody else needs to understand that these summits and the like have precisely zero chance of ever leading to a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula. Thanks again, Dubya.


B-Town said...

What? You think you're so important and that we think so little of your knowledge that you feel you must have a weekly: "I told you so."
Actually I'm kind of waiting for one on the Quebec Election and the ensuing reprecussions on Canadian Federal politics.
That is if you still give a burlap sack of rats asses about goings on back in the oldcountry.

B-Town said...

Haven't been commenting (well have, but since the google takeover it wont accept my non G-Mail google account) but I may have found a loophole through the dashboard function.

Just wanted to let you know that I'm impressed and inspired by your abilty to communicate, especially with your disability (pure unadulturated sloth).
Your descriptions of the Thai and Laotian dining experience has left me hungry yet also fattened. (from subsequently unnourishing and unfulfilling inferior southeast asian food back in Vancouver...)