Monday, April 30, 2007

In which I fail to apologize...

Sorry for my silence the last two weeks, folks - it's been unavoidable. I'm preparing to leave for some field work at some refugee camps in Southern Thailand, and the planning thereof has taken all my time. It's also going to take me out of communications range for about three weeks - my phone will work intermittently, but I'll be neglecting this blog further. Once I get back I'll resurrest my earlier pay-per-blog contract.

See you in three weeks!


Rachel said...

be careful, good luck, have fun!

Paul said...

Thanks! Now I'm back alive!

christian said...

you mean you were dead for awhile?


MusicScienceGuy said...

who said he's dead?

christian said...

"I'm back alive!" could be construed to mean he wasn't alive at some point, that he went all lazarus on our asses.