Sunday, January 20, 2008

In which I revel in geekery...

If you're as nerdy as I am, and much quicker of wit and defter of hearing, you need to spend some time at Zero Punctuation. It's a nearly-new Youtube compilation of 5-minute game reviews written, voiced and animated by an acerbically misanthropic Brit. It's profoundly addictive and worth every instant you can devote to it.

In other news, pneumonia is refusing to vacate the premises (my alveoli). I pray to Vishnu that it does so in the next 8 days of antibiotics, lest I suffer the indignity and uncertainty of a chest x-ray. Also, I've exhausted my sick days at work, so it's fairly essential that I recover before demolishing my finances.

P.S. This is written on Eva's computer, which I have briefly commandeered early in the evening before a prospective bout of Rock Band, merely in order to deprive Christian of my $20. Sucker.

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christian said...
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