Sunday, January 27, 2008

In which I still don't believe in karma...

You know I've been sullen over myriad unwelcome events of the young year. But when I tallied up my life scoreboard of the last few days, over an obscenely vast tureen of noodles at Kintaro's, I couldn't deny that this week was vastly brighter than last. To elaborate:

The vicious bout of long-undiagnosed pneumonia I had battled since at least December, which rose up and thoroughly crippled me two weeks ago, seems to have been decisively curb-stomped. I feel great, and I credit my absurdly simple new health regimen: LOTS of exercise, lots of food, and lots of sleep. And the military-grade antibiotics.

I had a hugely productive week at work, well-appreciated and remarked upon by the powers that be, after weeks (at least) of growing dissatisfaction with my unreasonable workload and unrewarding tasks. Meanwhile, the coworker who'd shunted the lion's share of her work onto me got a gruesome two-hour talking-to from the same elder gods, which left her in no doubt that her job is doomed if she keeps slacking off. I'm genuinely sorry for her situation (I fold instantly when confronted with sincere tears, which were in abundance), but the whole scene still showed me that my efforts are more appreciated than I previously thought.

Last and best, I discovered that I'll have a previously unexpected and entirely welcome visitor from New York in a few weeks - news that couldn't come at a better time. Joy! Details to follow.

There's been other welcome stuff, but I'm tired and that's all for now. Cruelly, criminally, I have to work tomorrow morning, so I still don't believe in karma - but I've still felt some scales tilt back towards the center this week. May next week be even better.

P.S. I was planning to write about politics and my love thereof, but sometimes a week well lived needs a little credit too. Politics will wait for tomorrow.

1 comment:

christian said...

you need to clarify that you don't believe in "my name is earl" karma, not real karma...

everything you just described is far too instant-gratification for actual karma.

or are you just the alanis morissette of karma?